Meth Addiction Treatment in Coral Springs FL (877) 804-1531

Meth is a highly addictive stimulant drug that can be snorted, smoked, injected, or swallowed. In most cases the drug is snorted or smoked, particularly in early use. As tolerance to the drug arises, injection becomes more common. Very few people ingest the drug because the high is less intense.

Meth addiction in Coral Springs can develop quickly and is hard to treat. For help with finding a meth addiction treatment center, call Alcohol Treatment Centers Coral Springs at (877) 804-1531.

What Are the Common Health Effects of Meth Use?

According to the United States government, more than 13 million people over the age of 12 have used methamphetamine and 529,000 of those are regular users. A rough comparison would be heroin, for which there are 6 million regular users at any given time in the United States.

Meth is easy to abuse. It creates feelings of euphoria, alertness, enhanced sexual prowess, and more. These effects make the drug highly pleasurable to use and increase the potential for abuse.

Common signs of meth use include decreased need for sleep, loss of appetite, loss of weight, increased activity, and increased nervousness and anxiety. In many cases, white to light brown powder or glass-like shards are found lying around. Individuals will be sweaty, hyper, and have dilated (enlarged) pupils while actively on meth. The drug is known to increase sexual arousal.

The health effects of meth include both direct and indirect impact. Direct effects result from the elevations in blood pressure and heart rate that are common with stimulant drugs. Persistent elevation of heart rate and blood pressure can lead to heart damage, stroke, and even death. During overdoses, these effects are magnified and can lead to fever, tachycardia, and even arrhythmias (abnormal heart beats) that can be fatal.

Indirect effects of meth abuse are the result of behavioral changes associated with both administration of the drug and highs produced by the drug. Individuals put themselves at risk of infectious diseases (e.g. HIV, hepatitis) by injecting meth and the increased sexual activity associated with use places them at risk of STDs, including HIV. The dental damage associated with meth is thought to arise from lack of oral hygiene and not as a result of the drug itself, thus making it an indirect effect as well.

Meth Addiction Treatment

Common meth withdrawal symptoms include irritability, intense drug cravings, depression, increased sleep, anxiety, and inability to concentrate. In many cases, hallucinations occur and people generally feel "achy." Over the longer term, people experience depression, sleep problems, cravings, and problems with thinking and memory.

Meth detox is the process by which meth is cleared from the body. It happens naturally, usually over several hours, and is characterized by non-dangerous withdrawal symptoms. The biggest risk with meth detox is self-harm secondary to depression.

Like all addiction, meth addiction is treated in two phases. In the first phase, stopping use and coping with withdrawal are the main objectives. This phase may occur at home, in the hospital, or at a detox facility. In the second phase, strategies for avoiding use are developing and the underlying causes of use are explored. The second phase may include counseling, group therapy, and 12-step programs. The support of family and friends is critical to achieving abstinence as well as preventing relapse.

Meth addiction treatment in Coral Springs is available. Take the first step towards sobriety today when you call Alcohol Treatment Centers Coral Springs at (877) 804-1531. We're ready to find you the perfect treatment facility!

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